Carrick and Capello Awkward Moment

Funny video of Michael Carrick picking up charity shield winning medal with Fabio Capello thinking he was injured. Remember how he couldn’t possibly figure for United in the Community Shield due to an injury? And, most obvious, remember how he couldn’t possibly be fit in time for England’s friendly with Hungary on Wednesday evening? Remember how only two of those things turned out to be true? Well Fabio Capello certainly does. Not exactly sure what the exchange was, but it appeared to be something along the lines of, “I thought you were injured. Thanks for the phone call!”

Sir Alex Ferguson, who’s made no secret of his contempt for the international competition, could only apologize for his role in the soap opera-esque drama: ” “I can only apologise. I was certain he was out for two weeks, then he came and said he was fit.”

Whatever the case may be, it’s clear that Capello felt more than a little burned by the whole situation. Watch the video again… after Carrick responds about 9 seconds in, Capello’s face immediately hardens, and he makes the telephone gesture. Between Carrick and the international retirements of Paul Robinson and Wes Brown, my guess is that the England manager is more than a little frustrated with his player pool.


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